Dogs & Toddlers Webinar

Dogs & Toddlers Webinar


This 30-minute webinar provides an overview on the things that you can start to do now to prepare your home and your household for a happy, safe and harmonious life between your dog and your toddler.

As outlined in the webinar, half of all children 12 years of age and younger have been bitten by a dog, with about 68% of those bites occurring in children 5 years of age or younger. And the dog is overwhelmingly a family dog, or another dog known to the child or family, with the bite most commonly occurring in the home.

As such, in this webinar, you’ll find simple, important, and practical information on the things that you can do to adequately prepare your home and your household to prevent these unfortunate incidents in your home, including:

  • Dog Body Language

  • Proper Supervision

  • “Invites Decrease Bites”

  • Parent-Guided Touch

  • Success Stations

  • Grumble/Growl Zones

  • Being a Tree or a Rock

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