"The Marvelous Mutt" Continuous Support Package (LITE)

"The Marvelous Mutt" Continuous Support Package (LITE)

$130.00 every month

“The Marvelous Mutt” Continuous Support Package is our PREMIUM support package available exclusively to all graduates of any of Family Pupz’s puppy/dog/doggy doula® training programs.

This monthly membership package is designed to ensure that you feel fully supported by our trainer long after graduation day should any issues arise with your pup.

“The Marvelous Mutt” Continuous Support Package includes:

  • One (1) Coaching or Day Training Session (a $180 value)

    • One (1) in-person coaching or dog training sessions w/me per month.

"The Marvelous Mutt" Continuous Support Package

"The Marvelous Mutt" Continuous Support Package

$399.00 every month
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